Join the Meeting

We are excited that you are able to join us for this year-long professional development series.  The series is packed full of webinars that have been designed specifically with you in mind.  Below you will find the information needed to take full advantage of everything that is offered.  

Up Next

February 21, 2024 | 7:00pm (EST)

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When joining using the “Zoom” option, you do not have to enter a username/password. Just click the “Join via Zoom” button and the host will let you into the webinar.

If you are having difficulties joining the webinar and require assistance contact us HERE!

Upcoming Webinars

On-Demand Webinars

Not able to join the live webinar?  We have you covered.  We know how busy educators are and that is why NCGE’s Webinar program includes on-demand access to all of the webinars. In order to best serve you, webinars have been organized by school year. 


Students of all ages can struggle to visualize three-dimensional landscapes from two-dimensional contour maps. This engagement effort in the middle school classroom incorporated hands-on play with Play-Doh® and LEGO® to reinforce student learning about topographic maps. Students constructed three-dimensional landscapes and further learned about how topographic data can be generated with drones. Findings suggest through pre- and post-test comparison that such efforts support student learning.


Teaching students to think spatially requires key components of spatial thinking to be integrated into the curriculum, instruction, and assessments in an explicit manner. In this Webinar, Injeong Jo and April Bannert will share tips and tools for incorporating the three components of spatial thinking into your instructional plan systematically. A lesson created to teach students about diffusion while also practicing spatial thinking skills will be used as an example.

2021 - 2022 Webinar Series

Strand: Elementary

Strand: Middle School

Strand: High School

Strand: APHG

Strand: Higher Education

Strand: Full Spectrum