Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Canceled How High Impact, Career, and Experiential Learning Opportunities Support Geography Students

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview This project explores the ways in which faculty and undergraduate students at a midsize- regional comprehensive university in eastern Colorado have found ways to partner with U.S. parks and protected areas through firsthand, experiential learning and career-based workshops. We use data from ten years of partnerships with Colorado and Arizona parks to illustrate the […]

The Imagery of Geography: Using Satellite Imagery and GIS to Enhance Learning in the Classroom

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview This workshop will focus on leveraging satellite and aerial imagery to illuminate geographic concepts in the K-12 classroom. By delving into the realm of remote sensing and satellite imagery, we aim to offer educators a fresh perspective on the geographical features and phenomena under study. Participants will explore numerous data sources, lesson plans, and […]

Our National Parks as Classrooms of Geography

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview 'National Parks' and protected areas around the world serve as classrooms at large, providing spaces and places that are conducive to enriching education for students. No matter the subject matter, whether physical, environmental, social, cultural, or technical, our parks provide case studies and applied lessons that educators should consider taking advantage of. By integrating […]

Redlining is Only Part of the Story

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview Redlining, some scholars contend, has become a “narrative crutch” that obscures a much longer history of housing discrimination. Redlining didn’t create systemic racism in American housing patterns – it sanctioned it. Vulnerable communities still feel the impacts of this profitable disinvestment in vast and far-reaching ways. The perpetuation of racist residential patterns far exceeds […]

Indigenous Sacred Places – A GeoCivics Perspective

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview Every human possesses a “sense of place,” subjective feelings and memories evoked by a geographic location. Both culture and experience influence people’s perceptions of places and regions. This is especially evident of sacred places where physical and human characteristics interact to give spiritual meaning and significance. This inquiry-based lesson explores sacred places from a […]

Maps and Models: How to choose which data visualization to use

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview Every state has geographic standards that explore data, maps, and models. Geography standards ask you to analyze data, make a model, and explore patterns, but how do you know which type of model or map to use? This session will break down the types of data visualization and when you should use each type. […]

A.I. Chatbot Prompting in the Geography Classroom

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview This session will focus on A.I. chatbots and the growing importance of prompt generating both in and out of the classroom. Much like a Google search, a chatbot’s result is only as good as its language prompt. We will talk about the importance of using specific and precise language that generates desired results. Through […]

The Silk Road and Geography: A Traveler’s Tale

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Overview Come travel the Silk Road! But wait, how will you get past the Taklimakan (Go in and you will never come out) Desert? What will you trade? Will your children be grown up by the time you get home? Participants will investigate the ancient Silk Road through two lenses, the first, a decision-making activity […]

GeoCivics Education During An Election Year: Lessons for Teachers by Teachers

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Summary GeoCivics engaged teachers from across the United States in a place-based professional development in Washington DC. The K-12 teachers discussed with National Parks Rangers current changes happening within the parks to "tell the true history" of the parks, engaged with Black American historians about the history of Washington DC and it's direct connection to […]

Partnering on education research with teachers and with funding to measure aspirations of students

Mission Palms Conference Room: Xavier

Summary In this workshop, we will share a framework to partner with teachers on education research, new avenues to embed geography across the school curriculum, the importance of measuring aspirations of students of all backgrounds to pursue a geography or related career path, and funding possibilities to support education research partnerships. We will then transition […]