
Mapping Vending Machines: Bring GIS Into Your Classroom


Using GIS and doing fieldwork in my classroom always felt like it was just out of reach. It was intimidating and overwhelming. This activity attempts to break past that and give teachers a model to follow where students map and analyze geospatial data to solve a problem by answering the question: where is the nearest […]

COVID-19 & Health Equity: How can we slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus to protect our communities


Explore how the COVID-19 and Health Equity unit, How can we slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus to protect our communities? supports geography, social studies, and science learning goals as well as the social emotional wellness of students. In this session, you will engage in the anchor lesson using “learner hat”. From a student’s […]

CANCELLED-A Future of Geography Education Without Early-Career Scholars?


A pressing topic concerns the uncertain future of geography education. Numerous articles and at least one symposium have sought to outline ideal pathways. These efforts produced useful suggestions from tenured and emeritus professors, along with senior members of the geography education community. Strikingly absent from the discourse are perspectives of early-career geographers, the ones tasked […]

Understanding COVID and Public Health Policy in the U.S. and Iceland Using Maps


This presentation reviews a series of interdisciplinary exercises in which students sequence or “map” genetic mutations of the COVID virus to understand how variants evolve. They then use this information to track the global path of COVID variants on digital maps to identify how genetic and geographical information are used by scientists to create public […]

GeoCamp Iceland Ask Me Anything “AMA”


If you are considering participating in the NCGE GeoCamp Iceland 2022 program but need more information,  we invite you to join us for the GeoCamp informational webinar. We recognize the importance of inquiry and field experience opportunities for geographic educators, however, we also realize that this is a big commitment. During this webinar, NCGE GeoCamp […]

The Multimedia Art Approach to Geography in the Classroom


When students are able to use a hands-on approach to the learning of different types of geographical perspectives they become better learners.  This session will show you how to incorporate art into any social studies classroom. You will be shown examples of student work across the different disciplines in a social studies department, as well […]

Cartooning in a Geography Classroom


Cartooning in a Geography Classroom uses a PowerPoint presentation to explore the use of newspaper cartoons in grade 7 -12 classrooms.  After examining the types of newspaper cartooning, participants receive strategies to read and analyze political cartoons. All material relates to the concepts of geographic thinking with suggestions to create computer-generated cartoons. Links to cartoon […]

Teaching with GIS, Even During a Pandemic-Part II: Student data collection with ArcGIS Online.


This session is a follow-up to an introduction to using ArcGIS Online. This session will demonstrate data collection with ArcGIS Online, a web-based geographic information system that is free for use by K12 teachers and their students. For the past five years, our team of teachers and university faculty has been using ArcGIS and its […]

Teaching with GIS, Even During a Pandemic-PART I: Making maps and conducting spatial analysis with ArcGIS Online


This session will introduce participants to ArcGIS Online, a web-based geographic information system that is free for use by K12 teachers and their students. For the past five years, our team of teachers and university faculty has been using ArcGIS and its related tools to teach high school social studies and science. During the pandemic, […]


NEW WEBINAR – AP Human Geography: iScore5 goes to iScore Live!


The National Council for Geographic Education is excited to partner with iScore5 to bring help your students prepare for the newly formatted 2020 APHG exam.

APHG course experts Jennifer Garner, Paul Gray, Ken Keller and Greg Sherwin will walk students through practice questions on the iScore5 app that relate specifically to concepts covered in units 1 through 5 of the APHG Course and Exam Description (CED). There will be an opportunity for students to ask questions as well. Teachers can use this time as part of their "live" instruction for the day if they choose! Limited to first 3,000 participants.

APHG Free-Response Items


Learn how to think about the new APHG free-response questions. Listen to what has changed and what has not. Examine a new APHG free-response item from the population and political units (a preview of the new practice exam). Hear from the APHG Chief Reader and a higher ed member of APHG Development Committee.

The New APHG Skills: Instruction and Assessment


Examine the skills in the new APHG Course and Exam Description. Learn about how the skills are embedded in assessment items (multiple-choice and free response). Listen to instructional ideas which focus on the skills. Led by the College Board Advisor to the APHG Development Committee and the high school Co-Chair of the APHG Development Committee.