The California Geographic Alliance (CGA) is dedicated to supporting and improving geographic education and literacy in California through:
- Professional learning programs for teachers and credential students: school-site workshops, summer institutes, district in-service training, field trips, and methods classes;
- K-16 Partnerships: engaging students and professionals through field trips, student competitions and showcases, student tutoring and mentoring, presentations, and classroom support;
- Developing and distributing educational materials: an original California Atlas, ArcGIS Online Story Maps and customized GeoInquiries, geographic literature, curated resource lists, classroom exercises, and thematic map galleries;
- Promoting geographic awareness and literacy among educators and the general public through blog posts and social media, editorials, and community events, and;
- Advocating for policies at the local and state levels that institutionalize geographic education across the curriculum and provide equitable opportunities to learn about the world and how it works.