Arizona Geographic Alliance

The Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) works to strengthen geography literacy and education across Arizona. We are funded through different grants, the Arizona Department of Education, and receive support from Arizona State University’s School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning where the AzGA office is located. We are proud to offer:

  • Professional development workshops for preservice and K-12 teachers;
  • Content workshops and GeoDay Trips for preservice and K-12 teachers;
  • Continuous development of K-12 open source lessons;
  • Hundreds of classroom ready to use maps;
  • 8 Giant Map Kits available to trained teachers across the state;
  • Summer teacher institutes;
  • The state’s only Geography Education Conference;
  • Proud partnerships with ASU in addition to the Arizona Council on Economic Education, Arizona Foundation on Legal Services and Education, and the Arizona Council for the Social Studies, as well as other national and state groups.

Become an NCGE member and tap into the largest network of geography teachers and resources in the country.

State Alliance members receive a 50% discount on an annual NCGE membership or renewal.