National Council for Geography Education

Displacement and Belonging


Overview This webinar explores the lived realities of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Jordan, with a particular focus on their senses of belonging to different places. By focusing on Jordan, a Global South state that hosts among the largest number of refugees per capita, this webinar highlights the human side of displacement and offers humanitarian […]

Spaceship in the Desert


Overview In 2006, Abu Dhabi launched an ambitious project to construct the world’s first “zero-carbon” city: Masdar City. This talk investigates the construction of renewable energy and clean technology infrastructures in oil-rich Abu Dhabi as the era of abundant oil supplies slowly comes to an end. It explores the production of Masdar City in Abu […]

GeoCircle: Best Strategies for Teaching Political Geography

Overview Welcome to our GeoCircle for The Best Strategies for teaching Political Geography. We hope you will join us for a great chat on how to engage students and deliver content. Whether you are teaching on-level Geography in Middle School or High School or teaching AP Human Geography, this topic is always challenging. Come to […]

Toxic Supply Chains of War in Iraq


Overview Taking war as a toxic structure, this talk begins at the belly of war, in Fallujah, Iraq -- one of the most heavily bombarded cities in Iraq. Based on Rubaii's ethnographic fieldwork between 2014 and 2023, the talk traces weaponized metals from the sand and bodies of children in Fallujah back to their origins […]

The Cost of Borders


Overview Borders, rather than markers of sovereign territory, are marketplaces comprised of always costly, and often deadly transactions. Moving from Lesbos, to Gaza, to Tijuana, the project shows how the costs of borders, patterned by inequalities of racism, sexism, and disability, fluctuate over time and space, and differ depending on who is attempting to cross. […]

Redlining is Only Part of the Story


Overview Redlining, some scholars contend, has become a “narrative crutch” that obscures a much longer history of housing discrimination. Redlining didn’t create systemic racism in American housing patterns – it sanctioned it. Vulnerable communities still feel the impacts of this profitable disinvestment in vast and far-reaching ways. The perpetuation of racist residential patterns far exceeds […]

GeoCircle: Spatial Patterns of Ethnicity – Exploring Neighborhoods and the Legacy of Redlining


Topics for discussion: Bring your idea, applications and questions Mapping Tools: How can we use mapping tools like Google Maps and Mapping Inequality to better understand ethnic neighborhoods and the legacy of redlining? How can these tools support students in visualizing spatial patterns of ethnicity and migration? Redlining’s Impact: How do we effectively teach students […]

Developing Religious Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom


Overview Exposure to world religions is critical for students to become global citizens. This session explores legal foundations in the U.S. for teaching about religion, uses case studies to consider challenges involved in teaching this topic, and provides guidelines for classroom instruction. Audience Focus All grade levels Meet the Presenter Throughout her 28 years in […]

Teaching About the Cultural World Using Interactive Mapping Tools and Inquiry


Overview Join Joseph Kerski, geographer and educator, for a lively hands-on workshop where we explore web based maps, layers, curricular resources, and strategies for you to more effectively and engagingly teach about demographic characteristics, population change, land use, human health, consumer behavior, business locations, and other themes in cultural geography. Audience Focus All grade levels […]

Teaching About the physical World Using Interactive Mapping Tools and Inquiry


Overview Join Joseph Kerski, geographer and educator, for a lively hands-on workshop where we explore web based maps, layers, curricular resources, and strategies for you to more effectively and engagingly teach about weather, climate, ocean chemistry, landforms, river systems, ecosystems, natural hazards, coastal processes, and other themes in physical geography. Audience Focus All grade levels […]

GeoCircle: Teaching Urban Geography, Urban Trends and Contemporary Urban Challenges

Overview Join us for an informal conversation about teaching urban geography. Bring your questions, challenges, ideas and resources to share. About the Facilitator(s): Pamela Wolfe has been teaching for 44 years at the same school- Yeshiva of Greater Washington in Silver Spring MD. She started off teaching French and AP European History, took on AP […]