Join us for an informal conversation about teaching urban geography. Bring your questions, challenges, ideas and resources to share.
Pamela Wolfe has been teaching for 44 years at the same school- Yeshiva of Greater Washington in Silver Spring MD. She started off teaching French and AP European History, took on AP Human Geography the first year it was offered, and fell in love with the course. She ran workshops and Summer Institutes for College Board for many years, still does the Reading, and works on textbooks, study guides and websites for various publishers.
Jay Bennish has been teaching geography and history for 25 years in the Cherry Creek Public School district, located in Metro Denver. After completing his undergraduate course work at Northern Arizona University, he attended The University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies, earning his Maters in Global Studies. He has been teaching AP Human Geography for 15 years and is a regular participant at the AP Reading.