NCGE Abroad: GeoCamp Iceland, Field Guide Resources, and Prospects for Expanding Field Trips
Overview One of the services NCGE provides is facilitating trips at home and abroad for geography educators. This session will cover three things: (1) the types of materials teachers produce […]
Rethinking Food Security from the Americas to North Africa
Summary This workshop will feature two scholars Dr. Jessica Barnes from the University of South Carolina and Dr. Megan Carney from the University of Arizona, in conversation on their research […]
Crafting Effective AP Human Geography Lessons: Strategies, Skills Development, and Free Response Mastery
Summary This session will demonstrate how to develop lessons that align with the course and exam description, emphasizing the big ideas central to the curriculum. Participants will learn how to […]
Using Human Rights Education to Teach about the Israel-Hamas War
Summary Explore how human rights education (HRE) can help teachers frame sensitive/controversial topics, including the Israel-Hamas war. This interactive session will begin with a discussion of human rights issues commonly […]
“Inspired by Iceland:” Lessons From the Trip that Changed Our Teaching
Summary Alumni and trip leaders from the NCGE-GeoCamp Iceland program will demonstrate activities developed after the field course and how the experience(s) changed their teaching. Additionally, lessons will be shared […]
Using Giant Floor Maps to Understand Bald Eagle Populations
Summary In this session, participants will learn how to use Giant Traveling Maps in the classroom. As an illustrative and interactive example, we will focus specifically on bald eagle distributions […]
Geography in the Global System of Agriculture
Summary Participants will connect the importance of geography to the agricultural production of the food, clothing, and shelter that we depend on in our daily lives. These connections will focus […]
A Taste of “Salsa”
Summary Come join us in creating and tasting a local favorite, of the Southwestern United States, Salsa. Participants will experience how to take a topic like “Salsa” and cook up […]
Partnering on education research with teachers and with funding to measure aspirations of students
Summary In this workshop, we will share a framework to partner with teachers on education research, new avenues to embed geography across the school curriculum, the importance of measuring aspirations […]
Gathering, Mapping, and communicating results of field investigations
Summary How can you effectively and easily gather, map, analyze, and communicate the results of the data you have gathered in the field? ArcGIS Survey123, the ArcGIS Online map viewer, […]