Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Where it’s at: Interpreting Marine Biological Research for Creating Geographic Education Activities

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview Marine biological research activities provide a rich and engaging basis for geographic educational activities with a strong foundation in STEM content. In this presentation, learning activities based on marine biological research are described, as activities conducted in field and lab were documented and delivered to audiences from pre-K students to professionals. Multiple research activities […]

Group Testing in the AP Classroom

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview Enhance student learning through group testing in any classroom. The methodology in this session is geared toward the AP classroom but can be modified to fit the needs of any classroom where summative assessments take place. Group testing is student-centered and allows for a deeper understanding of the material as well as valuable test […]

Purposeful Problems: Using Problem-Based Gameplay to Promote Geo-Capabilities

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview By immersing students in scenarios or problems reflective of real world scenarios, educators can promote deeper geographic understanding, independent decision-making skills, and the ability to transfer powerful geography knowledge to novel situations. Introducing Geo-Strat: A thrilling geo-political game that supports geography education through scenario-based and problem-based learning (S/PBL) adventures! Geo-Strat is an online gameplay […]

Canceled “Sorting” out AP Human Geography – Low-fi, Old school, hands on learning activities

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview Stop on in and participate in old school activities for AP Human Geography students. These fun, engaging, comprehensive activities are designed to immerse students in the Human Geography content without being on their screen! (We love tech, but we also know that there is a place to get students away from it!). Students work […]

Reversed Vocabulary: Flip Pre-Teaching Vocabulary on Its Head!

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview Discover a new way to pre-teach vocabulary with a strategy that combines image analysis, building language connections, and making predictions about the content right at the beginning of each unit. Session Focus Middle School/Junior High | Vocabulary, Image Analysis | ELLs | Curriculum and Instruction Conference Room Joshua Tree Meet the Presenter Dylan Kane is a […]

Federalism and Geography

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview This session aims to explore the correlation between geography and federalism, shedding light on the impact of state diversity on local control in specific policy areas. The ultimate objective is to convene a gathering of researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and scholars to delve into the intricacies of federalism’s decentralized structure, discussing the challenges and opportunities […]

Building Logical Reasoning Skills Thru Geographical Inquiry: Exploring Various Cities of Progress

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview Exploring the cities of Constantinople, Florence, Hastings, Kyoto, and Timbuktu, the presenters will take participants through a Classical Educational Geo-Inquiry journey to learn more about how the 5 themes of Geography impacted the formation of these cities whether it was in a moment of glory or a sustained period of time, each of these […]

Teaching Geopolitical Theories through Current Events

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview This session will open up the discussion of the relevance of framing classroom conversations of global events within a lens of geopolitics. Through examining geopolitical theories from a critical geopolitical lens it is possible to help put world events into more of a geographic perspective. By teaching students to break about arguments and critique […]

Geospatial Technologies as a teaching tool – Challenges and Opportunities

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Summary Interactive digital mapping platforms (NG Mapmaker, ArcGIS Online, Google Earth), and satellite imagery are powerful instructional tools that encourage inquiry-based learning. The Delaware Center for Geographic Education (DCGE), in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education and Social Studies Coalition of Delaware, has been inserting all forms of geospatial technologies into newly-developed, literature based […]

NCGE Abroad: GeoCamp Iceland, Field Guide Resources, and Prospects for Expanding Field Trips

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Overview One of the services NCGE provides is facilitating trips at home and abroad for geography educators.  This session will cover three things: (1) the types of materials teachers produce from previous excursions, notably GeoCamp Iceland, (2) practical resources for aspiring field guides, and (3) strategies for expanding field trip options beyond existing locations.  Session […]

“Inspired by Iceland:” Lessons From the Trip that Changed Our Teaching

Mission Palms Coference Room: Joshua Tree

Summary Alumni and trip leaders from the NCGE-GeoCamp Iceland program will demonstrate activities developed after the field course and how the experience(s) changed their teaching. Additionally, lessons will be shared regarding how alumni changed the way they plan, and teach geography concepts and skills to a variety of age groups and audiences as a result […]