Arizona Geographic Alliance

Arizona Geographic Alliance

The Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) works to strengthen geography literacy and education across Arizona. We are funded through different grants, the Arizona Department of Education, and receive support from Arizona […]

Arkansas Geographic Alliance

The Arkansas Geographic Alliance (AGA), though no longer a funded member of the state alliance network, continues to support geographic literacy and skills throughout Arkansas. When it was in full […]

Colorado Geographic Alliance

The Colorado Geographic Alliance was founded in 1986 by the National Geographic Society and geographers in Colorado. Our main objective was to provide resources and professional development for elementary and […]

California Geographic Alliance

The California Geographic Alliance (CGA) is dedicated to supporting and improving geographic education and literacy in California through: Professional learning programs for teachers and credential students: school-site workshops, summer institutes, […]

Alabama Geographic Alliance

The Alabama Geographic Alliance’s vision is that Alabama teachers, students, and citizens will apply their geographic knowledge of the world in order to better understand the global economy, environment, culture, […]